Friday, May 30, 2014

In a Tuff? Why Not Wigglytuff?: JaydenSilver's Take on the Balloon Pokémon

Type: Normal/Fairy

Base Stats
HP: 140
Attack: 70
Defense: 45
Special Attack: 85
Special Defense: 50
Speed: 45

Cute Charm: Contact with the Pokémon may cause infatuation.
Competitive: Boosts the Sp. Attack stat when a stat is lowered.
Frisk (Hidden Ability): The Pokémon can check the foe’s held item.
Wigglytuff is not a good Pokémon by any means, and never has been, though it has been given a much better defensive typing with the coming of the sixth generation. Its type, Normal/Fairy, is weak only to Poison and Steel - both fairly uncommon attacking types, especially in Smogon’s Never Used tier, the only tier where Wigglytuff is viable without forcing your opponent into a coma from laughing so hard at its presence.

If you are running around Smogon’s Never Used tier and are looking for a strong wall, look no further. Wigglytuff’s only true redeeming value is its access to a rare move called Wish. The way it works is that Wigglytuff uses Wish, and then HP is restored at the end of the next turn. Most Pokémon utilizing Wish use it either in conjunction with Protect to form a pseudo-reliable recovery move combination, or to heal their allies by switching out. Because Wish heals HP according to its user’s HP stat, this is very valuable on Pokémon with a high HP stat.

And what does Wigglytuff have? A high HP stat.

Wish support on any team is great for keeping your buddies alive to outlast your opponent, and with that sexy-high 140 base HP, Wigglytuff can stay alive despite its terrible defenses to cast its healing spell for its teammates.

Don’t You Wish Your Wigglytuff Was Hot Like Mine?
Hold Item: Light Clay
Nature: Bold/Calm
Ability: Cute Charm
EV’s: 4 HP, 252 Defense, 252 Special Defense
Light Screen
Protect/Stealth Rock/Seismic Toss/Perish Song/Heal Bell

Maximum defensive investment makes Wigglytuff as bulky and safe to switch-in as possible. With this much investment in the Never Used tier, you are able to switch in on any non-super effective move and absorb the hit with minimal damage. This allows you to set up Reflect and Light Screen to shield your more offensive Pokémon, or prepare a Wish to be received by another one of its teammates. Reflect and Light Screen should be self-explanatory, but if not here’s the rundown:

These two moves respectively increase your team’s Defense or Special Defense for eight turns thanks to Light Clay. This can allow for reduced damage and safer switch ins/outs. It can also give a setup sweeper the bulk it needs to… well, set up. This, combined with Wish support makes Wigglytuff a great support Pokémon for the tier.

The last move is up to preference. Protect allows for easy Wish recovery on Wigglytuff itself, as well as scouting. Stealth Rock is if your team needs entry hazard support, though this is a Black2/White2 move tutor-only move and requires transferring. Seismic Toss is so you can actually tickle the enemy a little bit, though it requires a ton of transferring between games to use in-game (Pokémon Showdown users don’t have to deal with that). Perish Song is a way to take someone down with you, and personally I just find the move hilariously rewarding when it works. Heal Bell can be used if you need clerical support for your team, and it can be used to cure nasty statuses that might afflict your party.

The set is really strong against straightforward teams revolving around a sweeper and utility Pokémon. What Wigglytuff struggles against are status inflictions and entry hazards. If Wigglytuff becomes the victim of Toxic, its longevity during the battle is drastically reduced, making its doom imminent. Due to this, Garbodor makes a great companion for Wigglytuff, being able to absorb Toxic Spikes and set up entry hazards of its own in retaliation. Other great teammates for our pink ball of fun are any setup sweepers that are fragile but pack a punch. An example would be Dragon Dance Altaria - its natural bulk and access to Roost give it the ability to perform multiple Dragon Dances and sweep the tier, backed by its great STAB Dragon type attacks.

It is important to note that you have to be careful while setting up dual screens that the opponent isn’t taking the time to set up themselves. Pokémon in the tier that are easily able to set up Substitutes and Calm Minds on our pink friend are Ghost types such as Misdreavus and Drifblim. If given the opportunity to set up, these sweepers can be incredibly difficult to stop.

And, just for the lulz, another set that will probably never work anywhere.

We Will (Not) Rock You!
Hold Item: Leftovers (or, God forbid, Life Orb)
Ability: Frisk
Nature: Impish/Sassy
EVs: 252 Defense, 252 Special Defense, 4 HP
Work Up
Dazzling Gleam/Play Rough
Protect/Double-edge/Hyper Voice/HYPA BEAMMMMM

If you are ever going to try this, don’t expect it to work in the higher tiers. The goal here is to tank as many hits as possible while boosting with Work Up, then return fire with your mixed STAB moves of choice. It probably won’t work - but it’ll sure be hilarious if you can pull off at least one great KO with this silly looking Fairy type.

Like most Normal types, Wigglytuff has a ton of options available to it in terms of attacking moves, but honestly, your efforts are best directed toward keeping it alive with dual screens and Wish support. Even with the sixth generation increase in its Special Attack stat, it’s not doing much damage, even with a few boosts. In Never Used it might be a big, floppy fairy foe, but in Overused, it would get obliterated in an instant if used carelessly. Stick to using Wigglytuff in the lower tiers, and you’ll be doing yourself a favor.

Also, never use Hyper Beam competitively. Ever.

Wigglytuff is no Blissey or Chansey by any means, but it has found a niche in Never Used as a great support Pokémon. So, if you’re looking for a nice cleric that can last in battle give our pink puffball a try. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

- JaydenSilver

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