Meet the Staff

Not much is known about J., other than the fact that he periodically posts on the fledgling Pokémon website, and lurks in the forums of the more prominent websites like a wraith.  He has a passion for quirky, competitive sets, and he is one of the lowest ranked users on the X/Y Battle Spot because of it.
Favorite Pokémon: Hydreigon, Greninja, Mega Charizard-X
Favorite Type: Dark

Competitive Analysis Writer
Alltheginjoints is a competitive player who can be found on Pokémon Showdown.  In most cases, he favors a strong defense compared to an offense.
Favorite Pokémon: Gengar, Clefable, Magnezone, Skarmory
Favorite Type: Ghost

Editor, Competitive Analysis Writer

Chief Editor
Azathoth has played the Pokemon games faithfully since Red/Blue/Yellow first came out on the Game Boy.  More of a casual player than a competitive player, he likes well-balanced teams of various types, each able to cover the weaknesses of the others.  His strategy is usually non-stop damage, disliking spending turns changing stats when an attack could have been dealt.
Favorite Pokémon: Charizard, Mewtwo, Gengar
Favorite Type: Fire

Collector, Casual Player
PokéManiac has been playing Pokémon since the first generation, and is more of a collector and Pokémon connoisseur than a competitive player.  He likes to take on in-game challenges that force him to think and play creatively.
Favorite Pokémon: Nidoking, Tyranitar, Sceptile
Favorite Type: Dark, Dragon, Electric

Heady Murphy
PokéNoob, Let's Play!er
Murphy is a more recent Pokémon player.  With little experience playing during the first generation of Pokémon, he made the daunting decision to leap forward to the sixth (and current) generation.  He has a lot to learn, and he will be chronicling his adventures throughout the Pokémon world with Let's Play! articles and blogs.
Favorite Pokémon: Dragonite, Chespin, Talonflame, Bisharp
Favorite Type: Steel

Artist, Recovering Pokémon Addict
Howard is a  Pokémon Master in generation one, catching all 151  Pokémon. He has played all but the X/Y generation. Art has always been a part of his life though it just recently took off as he found more time for it. Prefers stat changing and defensive moves that make his strikes more powerful.
Favorite Pokémon: Gyarados, Slowbro, Hypno
Favorite Type: Psychic

Prof. James Palm
Graphic Designer/Artist, Pokémon Professor
Though fairly fresh to the competitive scene he is a veteran to the world of Pokémon. He likes to experiment with odd sets, believing that all Pokémon can be used competitively. You just need sound strategy behind it. He also enjoys trying to find new and efficient ways of training and raising Pokémon. Every once in a while he will also provide starter Pokémon to beginner trainers. Last but not least, if you see his Quagsire just be wary - it likes to untie shoes!
Favorite Pokémon: Quagsire, Scyther, Milotic, Exeggutor
Favorite Types: Water, Grass, Bug

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