Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pokémon Yellow Nuzlocke - PokéManiac Takes Kanto By Storm, Part 1

Out of all the different Pokémon challenges, none are better known than the Nuzlocke Challenge. Part of what makes this challenge so popular is the numerous ways in which you can customize the challenge to make things harder (or easier) for yourself. If you’ve played Pokémon as long as I have, then you’ve certainly tried the basic Nuzlocke challenge before. The rules are simple: (1) if a Pokémon faints you must release it, (2) you can only catch the first Pokémon you see in an area, (3) if all of your Pokémon faint in battle you must restart your game. But, did you know just how much more complicated and challenging you can make Nuzlocke? Below is a flowchart showing some of the more complex options (credit goes to whoever made this originally):

Holy options, Batman!

Before beginning, I chose my Nuzlocke options. Excluding the three rules listed above they are: (1) No items except for HMs and TMs, (2) battle style set, and (3) no Exp. Share or Day Care.

Look at this dude.  Coolest ten-year old I know.

I came close to losing the opening battle with my rival’s Eevee due to it landing a critical hit, but since then it’s been smooth sailing.

That's right, Eevee.  You were only a speed bump in Pikachu's world conquest!

By not limiting the number of times I can use a Pokémon Center, training can proceed as usual. Thanks to the storyline set up of Gen 1 games, you don’t have any Pokéballs when you embark for Viridian City and cannot catch any Pokémon on Route 1. I was lucky enough to catch a Nidoran♂ and a Caterpie before facing Brock. Nidoran learns Double Kick at level 11 which, after evolving into Nidorino at 16, allowed me to handily defeat the first gym without ever having to use another Pokémon.

I’ll note it here that this is the farthest I’ve ever gotten in a Yellow Nuzlocke. Usually my luck goes the other way and I run into Pidgey and Spearow in the wild, Pikachu easily KO’s them, and I have to face Brock with just Pikachu (and maybe a Butterfree if I'm lucky). Now it’s onto Route 3, Mt. Moon, and another enjoyable challenge in the world of Pokémon.

Until next time,

- PokéManiac

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