Monday, May 19, 2014

Battle Spot Season Five and Six Rules Announced

The Season Five and Season Six rules were announced last week for the Special Battles on the Battle Spot.

Season Five: Season Five is built to look like the battle system as seen in the first generation of games.  These will be single battle style with restrictions placed on hold items.  Which ones?  All of them!  This season is all about your skill at team building and synergy without the disruption caused by hold items.  You may use all six of your Pokémon in this season, and starts on July 15th 2014.

Season Six: Season Six is a standard double battle, but the Battle Spot will block the top 12 Pokémon used in the Double Battle Seasons 1-4, and from the first half of Season Five.  Without the top tier threats, what will you use to secure victory in this limited metagame?

Stay tuned for more information regarding The Battle Spot via SplashAttack's Battle Spot page!

- J.

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