Monday, May 26, 2014

Braviary, the Crushing Eagle: Let’s Hear It For America!

Type: Normal/Flying

Base Stats
HP: 100
Attack: 123
Defense: 75
Sp. Attack: 57
Sp. Defense: 75
Speed: 80

Keen Eye: Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy.
Sheer Force: Attacks gain power, but lose their secondary effect.
Defiant (Hidden Ability): As its stats are lowered, its Attack increases.

To all of those in the United States, you know that today is Memorial Day, where we thank all of the soldiers who fought, or have fought, for the freedom we know and love today.  In celebration, we’ll be covering the Freedom Pokémon, Braviary (not really - it’s actually called the Valiant Pokémon) and give a big old shout out to ‘Murica!

Just take a look at this majestic beast.  Imagine a huge eagle soaring through the sky and tearing apart its competition with sharp, pointy claws of freedom.  That is Braviary, and it’s here to kick some democracy into the Pokémon world.

It has a couple of things going for it, but unfortunately, is outclassed by other Normal/Flying types out there, such as Staraptor and Swellow.  Staraptor hits faster and just as hard, while Swellow has blistering speed to get the jump on its foes.  Braviary, while toting an impressive 123 base Attack stat, lacks the speed necessary to really make it in the higher tiers.  However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t viable in lower tiers.  In NeverUsed, it is one of the most fearsome sweepers available, with one of the most powerful attack stats available.  100/75/75 defensive stats aren’t terrible, either, and it has some utility as a bulky bird.

One of the biggest things Braviary has going for it is the ability to learn Superpower.  Unlike other Normal/Flying birdies, Braviary can get around Rock and Steel types by running Fighting-type coverage.  More impressively, it can back it up with its beastly Attack stat.  But, unfortunately for our flying freedom mascot, Staraptor outclasses it in almost every way in higher tiers, and will probably only see action in Underused, Rarely Used, and Never Used.  That doesn’t mean we can’t teach those punk-birds a lesson in freedom, though!

Bulky Bird
Hold Item: Leftovers
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Careful
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Special Defense
Brave Bird
Bulk Up

This set is all about durability. This would probably only work in lower tiers.  Set up a Substitute, then start using Bulk Up and Roosting off damage dealt to you.  Then hit back hard with Brave Bird.  Fully defensive investment allows it to take hits while setting up, but keep in mind that 75 base Special Defense will only get you so far, even with maximum investment.  It’s highly likely that something with even a respectable Special Attack stat and STAB will break through your Substitute and put a stop to Braviary’s setup.

In order to keep this from happening, you want Pokémon that can stop standard attacks that will be aimed at Braviary, such as Thunderbolt and Ice Beam.  Assault Vest Lanturn is a great choice for this, as it will take hits like that all day.  However, keep in mind it can’t really do much back, as its Special Attack stat leaves much to be desired.

Operation Soaring Eagle
Hold Item: Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Brave Bird
Crush Claw
Bulk Up/Rock Slide/U-Turn

This one takes advantage of the Sheer Force/Life Orb combo that Braviary has access to.  Brave Bird is the STAB of choice, while Crush Claw is chosen over Return for the lack of Life Orb recoil while only being about five points shy of max-power Return.  Superpower nails Steel and Rock-type switch-ins hoping to avoid the sheer force of America’s wrath.

The last slot is up to you - Rock Slide also gets a Sheer Force boost, while U-Turn can be used for scouting, or you can set up with Bulk Up.  This set also probably won’t work in higher tiers due to the prevalence of faster threats that will outspeed and OHKO you.

Even at maximum Speed, Braviary is sure to get outsped by a lot of other threats.  Pokémon that can handle its weaknesses will go a long way toward keeping ‘Murica alive.  You can even use Sticky Web and Stealth Rock support from Shuckle, who can take a couple hits and ensure that you get the hazards down.  This will bring out the best in Braviary, and will let it get a couple of hits in before going down.

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave Bird
Hold Item: Choice Scarf/Choice Band/Focus Sash
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Brave Bird

The choice between Choice Scarf and Choice Band is entirely up to you.  Do you want to hit hard or hit fast?  The same goes for the choice between Jolly and Adamant - more speed vs more power.  The Focus Sash is there for higher tiers in the event you just want a sacrificial Pokémon who can deal a ton of damage with just one attack.  Obviously, that attack here is Brave Bird, and it will hit something really hard before freedom falls to the ground.

Pokémon that can eliminate faster threats are imperative to this set’s success.  Stealth Rock and Sticky Web support are also greatly appreciated, as Braviary needs all the help it can get if it wants to impact the metagame in any significant way.

Unfortunately for our freedom-loving friend, it just lacks the speed to really function well in the higher tiers, where everything is hyper-offensive and will likely outspeed and outdamage it.  It was a valiant effort by Nintendo to make a Pokémon that was different from its other Normal/Flying brethren, but others simply have better niches in their respective metagames.  Swellow can utilize Guts and the status orbs with STAB Facade, backed by its blistering Speed to wreck faces, and Staraptor is probably the most phenomenal Normal/Flying-type to ever exist with a great balance of Speed, power, and great utility for its abilities.

Braviary, however, will always be one of my favorite HM slaves in-game, being able to use Fly, Rock Smash, and Strength, all while doing some decent damage in the event I need it to.  Give it a shot sometime, and let your opponents fear the wrath of ‘Murica (maybe)!

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