Wednesday, May 14, 2014

All About Alltheginjoints

Hey all! I'm Alltheginjoints, and I am one of the competitive writers here on SplashAttack. Hopefully some of you have seen my articles already about Magnezone and Tyranitar, but I wanted to take some time to introduce myself. My first Pokemon game was Blue version, but I didn't become a true fan until I played Gold version. It was that game that allowed me to fall in love with the series. I remember distinctly my first full team containing Feraligatr, Victreebel, Crobat, Golem, Sandslash and a Pidgeot named Ursy Cup (my sister traded it to me). My history with Pokemon is a long and fun one.

Like JaydenSilver, my best game is 6v6 Smogon Overused. JaydenSilver and I battle often and keep a tally of who comes out on top and like to test out teams and strategies against each other (He currently has a one point lead). There are two main differences between his play style and mine, the first being that he plays offense while I play defense. The second reason, due to the nature of his offensive playing style, he changes his teams often, whereas I find a defensive core that works and stick with it for the long run. As such, if you encounter me on Pokemon Showdown, I will likely have this team:

Tyranitar (Mega)

I'll make no secret about it. That's the team I will be running. And if you've read them, you already know exactly which set I'm running for both Magnezone and Tyranitar. So, if you ever challenge me - and please do - you'll know exactly how to battle me. Plus, I'll have a Clefable article coming soon, so keep an eye out for it! However, my knowledge is not limited to these Pokemon and if you want me to break down a Pokemon, I'll do just that.  I’ll even write a Caterpie article, if you’d like.

So, that's all for now. Welcome to SplashAttack!

- Alltheginjoints

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